I am not the biggest fan of rabbit style vibrators, they just don’t ‘do it’ for me but occasionally I am sent one to review and I have to view it from an open perspective. Nexus had kindly asked me to review the NEXUS Cadence Dual Stimulator vibrator for free, in return for an open and honest review.
It comes in a sleek and stylish rectangle shaped box, purple and black and very eye catching. All the information regarding this sex toy can be found on one side of the box, which is good.
The Cadence is made from 100% silicone, it contains no phthalates or latex components and is non-porous and it is also waterproof.
This really is a rabbit style vibrator that seemed to sway my body into a positive direction of thinking, a big fat YES to this sex toy! I love the way that this vibrator is purely simply, no techie or fiddly bits and packs a punch.
I have to get Nexus 10 out of 10 for this design, they seem to be getting a fair few products on ‘the ball’ over the last year or so, let’s hope they keep on this upward hill of sex toy genius!