A beginner’s guide to douching

Douche – a method of washing using a stream of water into a body cavity for cleansing purposes

If you’re embarking on anal play, you really should think about douching.  No it’s not necessary, but if you’re playing with a partner it’s the decent thing to do.

You may be clean on the outside, but who knows what’s lurking deep inside the anal canal and douching can give you both peace of mind that sexy time doesn’t end up as bath time.

First thing is to decide what type of douche you want to use.  To begin with we recommend a simple bulb douche with a slim nozzle.  Super easy to use and probably the most comfortable.  Time wise, you want to douche at least 45 minutes before any anal indulgence.  It’s amazing how long it can take for the water to fully dispel and you want to ensure you are properly ‘empty.’

To start, simply remove the nozzle and fill the bulb with warm/tepid water, not cold or hot, you want to make the experience as comfortable as possible.  Now you have your douche all set and ready to go, you want to get into position.  We recommend douching over the toilet or in the shower to keep the entire process as clean and hygienic as possible.  If you want to make insertion easier, you can apply lubricant to the tip of the nozzle and your anus.  Simply insert the nozzle and adjust position so you are comfortable.  When you feel ready, squeeze the bulb to disperse the water into your anal canal; a soft squeeze will make the water flow gently and a hard squeeze will make the water go further and with more pressure.  Once you feel ‘full’ gently remove the nozzle whilst clenching your rectal muscles to keep the water in.  Hold until you feel the natural urge to expel.  We recommend that you repeat the process until the water you are releasing runs clear.  If you experience any pain whilst anal douching you should stop immediately.

At Nexus we offer two types of anal douche.  Nexus Anal Douche is perfect for beginners and advanced douchers alike.  It has a 224ml rubber bulb and small nozzle that simply pops out for ease of use. Nexus Anal Douche Pro has a larger bulb and larger curved nozzle designed to stimulate the prostate as it cleans.  Other douching methods include shower douches, nozzles that attach to the shower head and enemas which come with a bag and longer nozzle to clean the colon and not just the rectum.

Whichever you choose, we hope our guide helps to make your douching experience as pleasurable as possible.


Nexus Anal Douche

Nexus Anal Douche pro




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